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Garth Graham    

Cardiologist, Researcher & Public Health Expert; Director & Global Head of Healthcare & Public Health, Google/YouTube

A cardiologist, researcher and public health expert, Garth Graham is the Director and Global Head of Healthcare and Public Health at Google Health/YouTube. He previously served in two US administrations as US Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health and was Assistant Dean for Health Policy and Chief of Health Services Research in the department of medicine at the University of Florida School of Medicine. He also served as President of the Aetna Foundation as well as Vice President & Chief Community Health Officer at CVS Health. He currently sits on several boards, including the Advisory Council to the Director of the NIH, the National Academy of Medicine Board on Health Policy, and the board of the National Quality Forum. He previously served on the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Advisory Council.

An elected member of the National Academy of Medicine, Graham obtained his MD at Yale University School of Medicine, MPH at Yale School of Public Health, Internal Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital and Cardiology fellowship at Johns Hopkins. He holds three board certifications including internal medicine, cardiology, and interventional cardiology. He also holds an honorary doctorate of laws from Regis College and an honorary degree from the Eastern Virginia Medical School. In 2021, the Satcher Health Leadership Institute at Morehouse School of Medicine inaugurated the Garth N. Graham Distinguished Lectureship Award, which spotlights trail blazers who are leading the creation and advancement of health equity.

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