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Geoff Mulligan        

Founder, Skylight Digital

Geoff Mulligan is the Founder and Partner at Skylight Digital, a digital consultancy. Before this, he was a Chairman at LoRa Alliance. Mulligan is a well-known consultant, developer and lecturer on the IoT, Privacy and Security. He also served as a White House Presidential Innovation Fellow.

Mulligan is known for developing embedded internet technology and 6LoWPAN. He is the author of "Removing the Spam: Email Processing and Filtering" and has over 15 patents in computer security, networking and electronic mail. Mulligan is also a US representative to the ISO Strategic Advisory Group on Smart and Sustainable Cities.

He is a graduate of the United States Air Force Academy and he earned his Master's from the University of Denver.


Q&A with the LoRa Alliance’s Geoff Mulligan
The group’s chairman discusses its mission and LoRa technology in general...

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