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Harvey Silver    

President of Silver Strong & Associates; Author of "The Core Six"

Harvey F. Silver, EdD, is the cofounder and president of Silver Strong & Associates and Thoughtful Education Press. He has over four decades of experience as an educator, presenter, coach, and consultant. As a trusted expert and best-selling author, Silver has led thousands of workshops, institutes, and academies for schools, districts, and state education organizations throughout the United States. He is a dynamic presenter who speaks regularly at regional, national, and international conferences hosted by organizations like ASCD, Learning Forward, ESEA (National Title I), Learning & the Brain, Battelle for Kids, and Hawker Brownlow Education (Australia).

Silver’s work is “all about the learning” and often focuses on educator effectiveness, instructional tools and strategies, lesson/unit design and delivery, differentiated instruction and assessment, and thinking and learning styles. With the late Richard W. Strong, Silver developed The Thoughtful Classroom™—a renowned professional development initiative dedicated to the goal of “making students as important as standards.” Silver collaborated with Matthew J. Perini and educators from across the country to develop The Thoughtful Classroom Teacher Effectiveness Framework™—a comprehensive system for observing, evaluating, and refining classroom practice.

Silver is the author of a number of best-sellers for educators, including ASCD’s “The Core Six” and “The Strategic Teacher.” And he is the lead developer of the award-winning “Tools for Today’s Educators™” series of books, which includes these recent best-sellers: “Tools for a Successful School Year (Starting on Day One),” “Tools for Thoughtful Assessment,” “Tools for Conquering the Common Core” and, most recently, a collaborative publication with McREL International, “Tools for Classroom Instruction That Works.”

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