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Hen Mazzig  

Israeli Writer; Senior Fellow & Co-Founder at The Tel Aviv Institute

For a decade, Hen Mazzig has been an educator on Jews with a focus on the Middle East and North Africa and is credited by historians as the founder of Mizrahi Heritage Month. Mazzig has appeared as an expert on Jewish issues on four continents, over 500 college campuses, BBC, SkyNews, TEDx, and countless Shabbat dinners. Mazzig's writing has appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Newsweek, NBC News, Haaretz, The Forward, Jewish Chronicle, International Business Times, and numerous other publications.

Hen was named among Algemeiner's top 100 people who positively influenced Jewish life in 2018 and 2021, among the top 50 online pro-Israel influencers, and the top 50 LGBTQ+ influencers. For his advocacy, he recently was awarded CAMERA’s Portrait in Courage Award. Mazzig's first book, "The Wrong Kind of Jew," was released in 2022.

Mazzig is a prominent digital influencer. Over 100 million users have interacted with his content, and his Instagram has a higher engagement rate than Kim Kardashian, Cristiano Rinaldo, and Nike. He has authored numerous viral campaigns, such as "#JewishPrivilege," which inspired others to speak out about the falsehood that Jews have advantages in modern society, and "#JewishLooking," which saw thousands of Jews celebrate the community's ethnic and racial diversity.

In 2019, Mazzig co-founded the Tel Aviv Institute, a non-profit dedicated to using data-driven social media strategies to stand up for Jewish people and other minorities online. As the Institute's senior fellow, he has trained a dynamic roster of Jewish advocates in messaging and empowers a new generation of Jews to use publications, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, and new media to advocate for tolerance and peace.

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