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Herb Sorensen  

Herb Sorensen, Ph.D. and Paco Underhill have been called the “Yin and Yang” of observational shopper research. Herb is currently the Global Scientific Director, TNS Shopper Insights, serving Fortune 100 retailers and consumer packaged goods manufactur

  Herb Sorensen and Paco Underhill have been called the “Yin and Yang” of observational shopper research. Herb’s unique presentations on shopping will challenge and entertain practitioners and the deeply curious alike, including retailers, consumer product goods brands, architects and store designers, consumer trend watchers.  He has spoken throughout the world and in the last six months at Stockholm School of Economics, Shopper Insights Conference in Chicago and for industry groups and companies on a seven-city speaking tour of Asia.While Herb speaks on a variety of topics, his two most popular presentations include:

 Game Changing Retail: counter-intuitive strategies for understanding today’s hurried shopper

 Return to Personal Selling at Retail: what Amazon.com and medieval horse fairs can teach today’s businesses.

Herb is currently the Global Scientific Director, TNS Shopper Insights, serving Fortune 100 retailers and consumer packaged goods manufacturers in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and South America for over 35 years.  Dr. Sorensen’s unique perspective, based on tracking millions of shopping trips throughout the world is the subject of Inside The Mind of the Shopper published by Wharton School Publishing, and released May 2009.

Fast Company Magazine named him one of its top 50 Innovators. He has been quoted in The Wall St. Journal, Forbes, Business Week, MSNBC, Supermarket News, and Progressive Grocer. He is a member of Retail Wire's Brain Trust and has received numerous awards for his ground-breaking work in re-thinking how retailers and manufacturers can tap into the power of the mind of the shopper.

Dr. Sorensen's insights are game-changing, moving beyond marketing or simple ethnography. His unique presentations on shopping will challenge and entertain practitioners and the deeply curious alike.

  “Herb has a unique delivery.  He shares his passion for understanding shoppers with adisarming, down-to-earth style that really connects with his audiences.” --Al McClain, CEO, Retail Wire


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