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James I. Ausman MD, PhD
Internationally Renowned Neurosurgeon & Educator
James I. Ausman, MD. PhD, is an internationally renowned neurosurgeon and educator. He is unique in being successful in the academic, medical, scientific, business, and entertainment worlds and is considered a Futurist in his thinking.
He is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Tufts University in Boston, where he received his BS Degree in 1959. Dr. Ausman graduated from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore with an MD in 1963, and was one of four faculty awarded students to obtain this degree in three instead of four years.
At SUNY in Buffalo, Dr. Ausman received his MS degree in Physiology in 1964 while performing his Cancer Research Fellowship at Roswell Park Memorial Cancer Institute. He completed his Surgical Internship at the University of Chicago.
Dr. Ausman was educated as a neurosurgeon at the University of Minnesota from 1964-1972. While there, he was one of five recipients of the National Institutes of Health Teacher-Investigator five-year scholarship awards. While serving at the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Ausman also received his PhD in Pharmacology in 1969 while attending George Washington University.
He was Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Michigan, Illinois, and Minnesota. Dr. Ausman led the Departments of Neurosurgery at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit and the University of Illinois in Chicago. Under Dr. Ausman’s aegis both academic medical centers became internationally ranked and recognized as successful centers in neurosurgery treating patients from all over the world. Dr. Ausman instituted incentive compensation plans and business plans that were the model for the institutions and substantially increased hospital and departmental revenues. Dr. Ausman is known as a “turn-around specialist” in healthcare.
Dr. Ausman is the author of over 300 books, chapters and scientific publications. He pioneered many new treatments for diseases of the Nervous System, which are used around the world today. He has been invited as a Visiting Professor and neurosurgeon in 70 countries, primarily the low to middle income countries.
Dr. Ausman developed innovative surgical treatments used on patients around the world for Stroke and Brain Tumors. He founded the first Brain Tumor Support group for cancer patients and their families and designed innovative surgical and microsurgical instruments used throughout the world. Throughout his neurosurgical career, Dr. Ausman has operated on world-wide government officials and heads of Fortune 500 companies. He has educated 400 neurosurgeons from over 90 countries, 95% of whom returned to their countries, 2/3 of whom assumed leadership positions in their native countries.
Dr. Ausman is internationally recognized and has been honored in all five world continents and neurosurgical societies around the world. He was the honored award recipient of: The French Society of Arts, Sciences, and Letters. Three international libraries have been named in Dr. Ausman’s honor.
Currently Dr. Ausman is Professor of Neurosurgery at UCLA Medical Center where he has received multiple teacher-of-the-year awards.
Dr. Ausman served on the Board of Directors of a biotechnology company, Somanetics Corporation, which produced a product he and his colleagues developed, and which was sold worldwide. He has advised a number of Fortune 500 companies, and others on innovative business strategies.
Dr. Ausman is also a nationally recognized consultant on strategic planning in healthcare, and with his own company, Future Healthcare Strategies®, advised nearly 100 hospitals, practices, and academic centers. He is recognized as an innovative leader and pioneer in new developments in business and medicine.
He is the Creator and Co-Producer of a multiple award-winning television series, “The Leading Gen-What will you do with the rest of your Life?”, seen by 3-6 million viewers on 216 public television stations (within a two-year period) throughout the United States, Canada, and the Virgin Islands. This successful public television magazine format series featured interviews with people ages 55-100+. Subjects included how interviewees coped with their life challenges as they aged in regard to: Retirement, Successful Aging, Children’s issues, Loss of a job, Finding employment, Illness, and Demise of a spouse. Achieving financial stability, Developing new goals and interests, and Staying young and active with Healthful Longevity were also discussed.
Dr. Ausman has multiple years of service as the TV Medical Expert on NBC television affiliate. He was also the subject of CBS national television medical documentary on his pioneering treatment for stroke, entitled, “The Red River”.
Dr. Ausman is founder and Emeritus Editor-in-Chief of Surgical Neurology International® (SNI) the world’s largest Free-Access internet journal in neurosurgery, which has been accessed by over 2 million people in 238 countries and territories. This journal has reached 30,000-40,000 users per month, since its creation in 2010. SNI is the third leading journal in its field. Using technological advances, Dr. Ausman is pioneering a new interactive educational system for all ages called “SNIDIGITAL”™.
Dr. Ausman is the Co-author of a new book, “The China Virus-What Is The Truth?” published in 2021. The book, is a crowdsourced, chronological analysis of the events surrounding the emergence of Covid-19 virus and its pandemic.
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