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James Johnson            

Tlingit Artist & Carver & Snowboarder

James Johnson is an award-winning Tlingit artist and carver, born and raised in Juneau, Alaska, where he grew up snowboarding. He belongs to the Tlingit Ch’áak’ Dakl’aweidi Clan (Eagle Killerwhale). A multi-disciplinary artist, he specializes in Tlingit formline design, with a focus on traditional wood carving.

Carving is an integral part of the preservation of Tlingit history and culture. Johnson's contemporary practice builds upon an indigenous artistic continuum while honoring the culture and its rich traditions. He also carries his culture forward with global brand collaborations including Vans, Lib-Tech snowboards, Volcom, Smartwool, Yeti, and Google.

Johnson is nationally recognized with many awards. His work has been featured in exhibitions and juried art shows as well as at the Art Institute of Chicago, the Sioux Indian Museum, the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, and the Interior Museum. Through his work, he supports Native Youth programs in his Alaskan hometown.

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