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Jamie Warren  

Motivational & Educational Leader

At only 18 years old Jamie Warren was 1 of 5 in the United States to receive a scholarship and got to attend a conference in Kansas City where she spoke on the behalf of Homeless youth in front of over 1,000 educators. As a freshman in college she joined a National Scholarship Foundation that was focused on reaching Homeless youth. At 20 years old she presented on Capitol Hill in front of 2,000 educators and congressmen and women. Warren was invited to sit in on a meeting with the Secretary of Education and advised on policies that impact and affect homeless students. Based on that meeting a policy change was implemented to the Mckinney-Vento Act, making the transition from highschool to college easier on homeless youth. At 21 she presented at the South by Southwest Educators conference and spoke to the difficulties in public education for homeless youth. This conference led to her being featured on a Podcast that allowed her to speak out on behalf of homeless youth across America.

At 21 years old Warren broke a generational cycle when she graduated with her Bachelors in Education from Wayland Baptist University and achieved her dream of not only being the first person in her family to graduate from highschool but College as well. At 21 she married the man of her dreams who embraced her pain and past and continued to build her up. They have since had two perfect babies and she has achieved her life goal of building a family of her own and letting go of the suffering from her childhood. Since, Warren has moved up the professional ladder of being a teacher to now being a Curriculum Specialist and Reading Interventionist. At 27 Warren spoke at the Live on Purpose conference that was targeted toward at-risk and Homeless youth becoming the first time she shared her story with students. That very day was the official date that she received her Masters Degree in Educational Administration. Warren spoke just recently at the Loved conference at the Baptist Church in Shallowater where she shared her testimony and how it impacted her faith.

Speech Topics

Living our Purpose

We live in a world of tragedy and continuous questioning of what it is we are meant to do with our lives. Obstacles are going to be present in our lives no matter our social status or who we are . The truth of this is when you want more for yourself and those you love, you are not afraid that your difficult circumstances will stop you from achieving your dream. We all have faced some type of tragedy; we all have a story. The reality is we were created to use our testimony to change the world. This talk highlights tragedy and narrows the focus on finding purpose in the lives we are living. This session is full of raw emotion and will open your eyes to how real world tragedy can be used to help you to overcome your circumstances. This time will encourage you to reflect on who you are, and how to live the purposeful life you want.

Attendee Results:

  • Learn how to use difficult situations to shine a light on the purpose of the life you are living.
  • Understand the critical role our own discomfort plays in the development of who we become and how successful we are.
  • Experience what the human experience is by means of a moving and powerful example.


The ability to overcome obstacles is about changing a situation from bad to good. Redemption includes surrounding yourself with people that want to see you succeed; even though your own family does not. It is all about not repeating the situations that you have been through and changing your future for the better. Redemption is about becoming who you are despite the rough times the world has thrown at you. This redemption may have multiple meanings, but in the end it is all about how you handle the tough times. This session shares how tragedy can be used in a powerful way in order to redeem yourself. We must realize that we are more resilient when we use our experiences to create a better life for ourselves and those close to our hearts.

Attendee Results:

  • Learn how to use difficult situations to empower the lives of those that surround you.
  • Understand the critical role our own tragedy plays in the development of who we become and how successful we are.
  • Experience the realities of human existence through a moving and powerful example.

Education: Do we really know what our students are living?

As educators, we like to think we know our students in and out and the lives they are living. The truth is we are only able to see a tiny glimpse of what our students experience daily. This session shines a light on a student's perspective of living through tragic experiences as a child. This session provides educators with a raw eye-opening testimony of the lives our students may be living. This session is sure to remind us of our purpose as educators.

Attendee Results:

  • Remind educators in a powerful way the impact that can be made by simply seeing our students.
  • Understand that outward appearances may not always be reality (true/truth) when it comes to the lives of students.
  • Experience raw emotion and gain perspective.


Homelessness involves multiple facets; therefore, it impacts everyone differently. We live in a world of neglect, trauma, and tragedy which makes us continuously question who we are. This session highlights the reality that is faced daily in the lives of those that surround us. In this session, I will open the door to when my homelessness once meant losing the only family I had and left me wondering why no one cared enough to take care of me. Homelessness is not just about having a family that does not care about you, it is about surrounding yourself with people that want to see you succeed. It is about not repeating the past and changing your future for the better. Overcoming homelessness is becoming who you are meant to be despite the obstacles the world has thrown at you.

Attendee Results:

  • Learn how homelessness impacts everyone differently.
  • Understand how to surround yourself with people who want you to succeed.
  • Experience a successful life despite the obstacles.

Student Session

This particular session is targeted toward the audience of students. This is an eye opening session that shines the light on real world experiences and how to face struggles. Everyone is struggling in life, but some hide it better than others. Embrace your circumstances in life and learn from the pain. From this students will gain confidence in knowing they are not alone in their walk. Some may relate personally while other students will gain perspective.

Attendee Results:

  • Learn to use challenging situations to make a positive impact on your life.

  • Gain perspective from the lives of those who surround you.

  • Experience insight from a powerful and thought provoking example.

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