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Jana Eggers      

CEO of NaraLogics; Innovation & AI Expert

Jana Eggers is CEO of the neuroscience-inspired, artificial intelligence platform company, Nara Logics. She’s an experienced tech exec focused on inspiring teams to build great products.

Eggers has started and grown companies, and led large organizations at public companies, including technology and executive positions at Intuit, Los Alamos National Laboratory (computational chemistry and super computing), Basis Technology (internationalization technology), Lycos, American Airlines (supply chain optimization), Spreadshirt (ecomm), and start-ups that you’ve never heard of. This experience had led to recognition as an expert in artificial intelligence development and deployment, customer-inspired innovation, and technology start-ups. She is a frequent speaker, writer, and mentor on AI and startups.

Eggers holds a degree in mathematics and computer studies from Hendrix College. She also studied computer science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

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