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Jeremy Faludi  

Jeremy Faludi (LEED AP BD+C) is a sustainable design strategist and researcher. He has taught green design at Stanford and other universities. He has contributed to five books on sustainable design, and has written over 200 articles. Jeremy is the subj

Jeremy Faludi (LEED AP BD+C) is a sustainable design strategist and researcher. He has taught green design at Stanford University, California College of the Arts, Emily Carr University, and Minneapolis College of Art and Design. He designed the prototype of for The Biomimicry Institute, and he was sustainability research manager for Project FROG, the leader in modular commercial green buildings. He has also worked for Rocky Mountain Institute and Lawrence Berkeley National Labs, among others. A bicycle he helped design has appeared in the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum.

In addition to his design work, he has contributed to five books on sustainable design, including Worldchanging: A User's Guide for the 21st Century by Alex Steffen and Packaging Sustainability by Wendy Jedlicka. He is the subject-matter expert for the Autodesk Sustainability Workshop series of videos and certificate program. He wrote over 200 articles for, and has appeared in dozens of print and online publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, the San Francisco Chronicle, BoingBoing, Treehugger, C|Net, Sustainable Industries Journal, Package Design Magazine, GreenBiz, Estadão, Epoca Negócios, and Australian Broadcast Corporation radio.

Jeremy has provided inspiring keynotes and informative technical presentations at conferences, schools, and businesses around the world, including Mattel, Arup, Doors of Perception in Delhi, the Better World Business Forum in Paris, Technische Universiteit Delft in the Netherlands, ArquinFAD in Barcelona, Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan, Good People Share in Brazil, SolidWorks World, the National Library of Medicine, Sustainable Brands Seminars, SETAC in Budapest, Antioch University, University of California Berkeley, O'Reilly's ETech, and more.

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