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Jim Mellon  

Chairman of Burnbrae

Jim Mellon is a British entrepreneur, author, and philanthropist. Through his private investment company, The Burnbrae Group, he has substantial real-estate investments in Germany and in the Isle of Man, as well as major shareholdings in private and public companies in sectors such as banking, commodities, leisure, and healthcare.

Mellon began his investment career in Asia and then moved to the US, working for two fund-management companies, GT Management and Thornton & Co, during which time he gained valuable insights into the companies and economies that would drive global growth over the following decades. He established his own business in 1991, which today persists as Charlemagne Capital.

As well, Mellon is the of Wake Up! Survive and Prosper in the Coming Economic Turmoil. The book cited catalysts for the impending credit crisis of 07-08, including unsustainable levels of consumer debt in the western world, a U.S. housing crash, derivative financial instruments and governmental fiscal mismanagement. He followed this with The Top 10 Investments for the Next 10 Years (2008) and then Top Ten Investments to Beat the Crunch! (2009).

He holds a master's degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from Oxford University.

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