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John Evans is a successful strategist, dynamic speaker, popular author, and business trainer/consultant.
He works with organizations which want to grow and improve their businesses and develop their personnel to greater dimensions. He has customized and delivered more than 5,000 professional workshops, courses, and seminars to groups as small as 10 and as large as thousands. In addition to sharing information and explaining vital business concepts, Evans provides some of the most advanced human resource assessment tools available, so that organizations can measure and understand the behavior aspects of virtually every individual on their teams. The expertise he shares with managers enhances and sustains human performance, increases productivity and promotes workplace harmony.
An impressive professional track record has given Evans his exceptional insights. He spent a decade working with Westinghouse when the corporation was the world's 13th largest and most diversified. He moved up the corporate ladder at a rapid pace because of unprecedented sales increases while setting up franchises. He eventually served Westinghouse as Corporate Trainer, National Accounts, creating unique training concepts to teach "just-in-time" methodology. He also worked with Dale Carnegie Courses for five years as an area manager and certified instructor.
Subsequently, Evans has spent 30 years as president of a full-service training, consulting, and speaking firm, working with over 700 corporations, the Department of Defense and the intelligence community. In fact, this businessman has been the entrepreneur owner of three start-up companies.
He is the author of three books: Embrace the Tiger on the leadership principles required to be certain in uncertain time; Selling Your Way focused on sales strategies, and Reinvent Yourself to designed to help people be their own hero.
Evans has developed several presentations within his core competency of leadership development, sales performance, and team building. And today, in light of current economic challenges facing businesses, he has developed a Business Revitalization Workshop-a hands-on, interactive program which provides useful take-away value to help organizations renew themselves virtually overnight.
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