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John Sweeney    

Creator of the Behavior-Changing 'Transformative Laughter'; Innovative Sales Trainer & Marketing Coach

John Sweeney has been using 'Transformative Laughter' to produce the best Mindset for Fortune 500 companies for more than 20 years. He has been changing human behavior within the biggest businesses in the world, including: Microsoft, Target, Hilton, United Health Group, General Mills, Facebook, and Apple. He has shared the stage with George Bush, Sr., Deepak Chopra, Betty White, Steve Ballmer, and Mark Zuckerberg. A quote from his book appeared on millions of Starbucks cups, and he has danced shirtless on The Today Show and ESPN SportsCenter.

With his unique background in corporate real estate sales, his long track record as an entrepreneur, and his ability to deliver learning and expertise in a truly unforgettable way, John continues to influence a new generation of innovative sales & marketing leaders.

John has a passion for helping deliver healthcare to children across the globe and actively supports the Smile Network International with his philanthropic efforts.

Speech Topics

Mindset of a Sales Leader:

Introduce self-awareness of mindset and embrace what a powerful tool it can be to shift the lens through which we view our circumstances, especially as part of the sales process. We will become more aware of the ways our brain tends to “default” to certain mindsets that don’t always serve us best, especially when we are confronted with circumstances that challenge the ways we are “used to” operating. We will engage the team to embrace personal and shared accountability to keep innovating and growing as salespeople.

Skillset of an Improviser: Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable!

Our work will help the combined team (re)engage with their customers and colleagues in this world of constant change. We’ll practice new behaviors to support how we communicate and collaborate with authenticity and confidence. We may also practice behaviors to become more nimble and adaptable when faced with unexpected circumstances, customer objections, or situational challenges.

Toolset of a Storyteller:

Our proprietary approach was originally developed for the process for scriptwriting, but we have successfully adopted it and implemented it with many sales teams! This process can be a very powerful tool for crafting specific, directed stories that build resonance and impact with the audience. Based on our discovery call with you, we may mutually decide to include sessions dedicated to small group and 1:1 coaching on presentation skills, including storytelling.

Collaboration & Connection:

All our workshops help (re)build meaningful culture. Our goal with every program is to create an impactful shared experience that will help knit the team together AND (re)build their sense of trust, empathy, and connection. This can be especially valuable when different functions (sales, marketing, customer experience, operations, etc.) are brought together with the goal of greater collaboration and customer centricity.


Chief Learning Officer article
John's article, "Do They Practice What You Preach" appeared in the 9/9/11 edition of Chief Learning Officer (CLO) magazine and is now available online.

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