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Joseph Aigboboh    

PlayQ Cofounder and CEO, Fast Company's "Most Creative People In Business" and Inc.'s "30 Under 30 Network"

Joe Aigbohoh is PlayQ's Cofounder and CEO. He has been named to Fast Company's "Most Creative People In Business" and Inc.'s "30 Under 30 Network."

Joe Aigboboh is PlayQ's CEO and Cofounder. PlayQ was first launched under the name J–Squared Media in 2007,when Aigboboh was in the midest of Techstart’s ‘three month Program. He was part of the startup accelerator’s inaugural class.

Prior to creating PlayQ, Aigboboh received his Bachelor of Science in Economics and Computer Science Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania.

PlayQ is a gaming company that creates games made for iOS, Google Play, Amazon, & Facebook. Today, the games are used by millions. In upcoming years, they hope to improve their mobile gaming apps. According to Inc., by the end of this year PlayQ is expecting a near $20 million income from hit games like Charm King and Bubble Blitz.


Dynamic Dialogues Video Series
This new video series follows today's hottest entrepreneurs selected—from Fast Company's Most Creative People in Business and lnc.'s 30 under 30 network—as they navigate their busy Iives, shifting seamlessly from work to play...

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