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Justin Buzzard      

Author, Founder & Lead Pastor of Garden City Church; Coach on Experience, Wisdom & Passion to Men

Justin Buzzard is a Silicon Valley pastor with a passion for helping men thrive and make a difference in a world that’s terribly confused about what manhood means. Our tangled and trapped culture needs a few million good men, men of desire, men who adventure with the BIG God of the Bible (who is also the BIG God of right here and right now), men of friendship and fun, men who steward finances well, men who risk instead of rust. The path forward is not a linear arrow up and to the right, but the adventurous and transformative J-Curve of death and resurrection. You have two options: Risk or Rust.

Buzzard is the founder and Lead Pastor of Garden City, a church that exists to be a counterculture to the pressure, loneliness, and consumerism of Silicon Valley (starting this venture was a big Risk or Rust moment in Buzzard’s life). A 5th-generation Californian, Buzzard’s home is Silicon Valley, where he lives with his beautiful wife of 20 years, Taylor, their three sons, great neighbors, and a squad of friends.

Buzzard received his B.A. in Communication Studies from Westmont College in 2000 and his M.Div. from Fuller Theological Seminary in 2005. Buzzard is also an alumnus of Fellowship Associates’ authentic manhood and church planting residency (class of 2011), an alumnus of Crosspoint’s Soul Care Journey (2015-2016), and works extensively with pastors throughout the Bay Area through Transforming the Bay with Christ.

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