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Kara Swisher            

Host of "On with Kara Swisher" & the "Sway" Podcast, Contributing Opinion Writer, New York Times & Co-Host of Pivot Podcast at New York Magazine and CNN On-Air Contributor

Kara Swisher is the Executive Producer of the Code conference. Swisher is host of On with Kara Swisher and co-host of the Pivot podcast. She’s editor-at-large at New York Magazine and a CNN contributor. Swisher is the co-founder of the technology website, Recode, and tech conference, Code, which is the country’s premier conference on tech and media. Considered the top reporter in the tech game, Swisher has been reporting on the industry since the early 1990s. Once called "Silicon Valley's most feared but revered journalist", Swisher has established herself as the oracle of the tech world with unrivaled access to the industry's most significant leaders. She’s the author of the forthcoming memoir, "Burn Book: A Tech Love Story"

Swisher is also the author of aol.com: "How Steve Case Beat Bill Gates, Nailed the Netheads" and "Made Millions in the War for the Web", published by Times Business Books in July 1998. The sequel, "There Must Be a Pony in Here Somewhere: The AOL Time Warner Debacle and the Quest for a Digital Future", was published in the fall of 2003 by Crown Business Books.

Speech Topics

The Weaponization of Social Media


Recode's Kara Swisher, Tech Disrupter, Plots Political Move ...
For two decades, Kara Swisher, the tenacious reporter and columnist who co- founded the influential tech news site Recode, has chronicled the rise of Silicon Valley with an unmatched combination of cynicism and sourcing. Former Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer was rumored to be so afraid of her that she hunted down ...
9 things Kara Swisher taught me about tech journalism
If anyone knows how to navigate the slippery slope that is the founder-journalist relationship, it's Kara Swisher. Veteran journalist, co-founder of All Things D and  ...
Recode's Kara Swisher on What's Wrong (and Right) With the Media
Kara Swisher. You've said that the tech press is great at telling you about the new iPhone but not so good at doing investigative journalism. Maybe you can tell ...
Why is Silicon Valley afraid of Kara Swisher?
US journalist and entrepreneur Kara Swisher, the scourge of Silicon Valley, is short, sharp, and if you're a tech entrepreneur messing up, very, very scary.
What's next in technology? Kara Swisher to speak at ICNY
We're thrilled to announce that Kara Swisher, executive editor of Re/code, host of the Re/code Decode podcast and co-executive producer of the Code ...
'Abrasive' and 'feared' journalist Kara Swisher set to speak at Email ...
No matter the phrase used to describe her, the journalist in question — Kara Swisher — has certainly made an impression during her career. “Swisher is both so ...

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