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Katrece Nolen    

Breast Cancer Survivor, Consultant, Author & Cancer Advocate

Katrece Nolen is a survivor of Stage 3 Inflammatory Breast Cancer, mentor, author, and cancer advocate who shares her strategies with other survivors who may be feeling isolated and uncertain.

Nolen uses her personal experience to help cancer patients and survivors self advocate for themselves and quickly gain access to the information and support services that they need to make timely decisions and get the help they need. She has shared her experiences to help others as a member of health advisory councils and mentoring and released a book called "I've Been Diagnosed, Now What?" that helps cancer patients navigate their cancer journey.

Nolen's latest venture is the launch of a new platform called Find Cancer Help, where cancer warriors and loved ones can find resources, support, and inspiration for their cancer journey from people who have walked it themselves .She works as a consultant and lives in the Washington, D.C. metro area with her husband and three children.

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