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Katrina Jones      

HR + Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Advisor, Educator, Coach; CEO & Founder of Advancing Equity & Inclusion

Katrina Jones believes that when we prioritize closing equity gaps, our workplaces can become spaces of learning and growth where everyone thrives. She formerly served as the VP of People & Culture for the Sheryl Sandberg & Dave Goldberg Family Foundation and is also the founder and CEO of a diversity and talent consulting firm, Advancing Equity + Inclusion. Jones' passion and life's work within diversity, equity, and inclusion are rooted in a bold vision for an equitable and just society in which everyone works collectively to address access and opportunity gaps.

Over the course of her career, Jones has led HR across the employee lifecycle and helped organizations connect their programmatic efforts to comprehensive DEI strategies that accelerate progress in building more diverse teams and cultures with greater psychological safety. She has more than 15+ years of experience leading and managing functions DEI, HR, and Talent at companies like AWS, Latham & Watkins, and Year Up.

Jones values learning and searching for new perspectives and research that expand her worldview. She enjoys exploring the latest in DEI and HR reporting and figuring out how to translate innovative recommendations into applicable business solutions. This interest is what motivated her to launch a boutique Talent and DEI consulting firm, Advancing Equity + Inclusion. Since 2021, She's partnered with executives who believe people are the magic ingredient to any successful business, understand discomfort is an expected byproduct of DEI work, and believe accountability is critical for engagement and progress.

Jones is a Lifetime Member of the Texas Exes, having earned a Bachelor of Arts in Ethnic Studies from The University of Texas at Austin. She also has a Master of Arts in Human Resource Management from The Catholic University of America.


Twitch Hires First Head of Diversity and Inclusion | Hollywood Reporter
Twitch on Thursday announced Katrina Jones will be the streaming service's first official head of diversity and inclusion. Also announced were the hires of ...

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