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Keller Rinaudo      

Co-founder and CEO of Zipline

Keller Rinaudo Cliffton is an American robotics and autonomous airplane entrepreneur and the CEO and a co-founder of Zipline. Zipline began drone deliveries in Rwanda in late 2016, and primarily delivers blood to urgent medical situations.

Something between a personal robot and a pet, Romo has a personality thanks to controllable facial expressions and is able to roll around on a tank-like base. Prior to Romotive, Rinaudo worked at Boston Consulting Group's San Francisco arm.

A graduate of Harvard, Rinaudo built computers out of genetic components including RNA and DNA. Rinaudo worked with Dr. Yaakov Benenson and colleagues on biological computers -- tiny devices made of RNA, DNA and proteins that, when implanted in the body, could work as molecular doctors signaling genes in need of treatment.

He is a professional rock climber ranked top 10 in sport climbing and has been featured in Rock and Ice magazine.


Romo the smartphone robot raises $1.5M, seeks world domination
Here's a novel way to pitch potential investors: "Do you realize how young we are? Do you realize that we're going to f**k up big time?!" And yet, that's exactly how Keller Rinaudo, the 24-year-old co-founder and CEO of robot maker Romotive, began his meetings with investors last fall. The upshot: Success way beyond what he had ever imagined.

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