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Kim Lyons          

Fitness Expert, Former Trainer on "The Biggest Loser"

With over ten years of experience as a personal trainer, Kim Lyons – former trainer on NBC’s hit show, The Biggest Loser and Dr Phil’s Ultimate Weighloss Challenge – has quickly become an icon in the health and fitness arena.  Armed with a positive attitude and a winning smile, she has inspired a nation to achieve their goals of living a happy, healthy lifestyle.

With a unique combination of proper nutrition and effective exercise programs, Kim has helped inspire a nation to live a healthier lifestyle.  Kim understands the psychological and practical barriers facing those starting a new activity program, and offers simple strategies to help anyone understand their potential from a physical, mental, and emotional perspective.

Kim’s first book, "Your Body, Your Life," published by Sterling, made a strong appearance on all major bookstore shelves in January 2008.  She is also featured in the best-selling Biggest Loser Cookbook, The Biggest Loser Fitness Program, and The Biggest Loser Workout DVDs.

Kim has been featured on leading broadcast programs and print publications including The Today Show, Access Hollywood, ET, Larry King Live, The Insider, MTV, Extra, People Magazine, TV Guide, US Weekly, Los Angeles Times, Self, Allure, Woman’s World, Muscle and Fitness and many more.  She has written dozens of fitness and nutrition articles for publications worldwide and is unique in bringing in the often neglected emotional coaching that goes hand in hand with the workout and nutritional aspects of achieving ultimate health.

Speech Topics

A Positive Message for Healthy Children

Don't Be Afraid To Try

Teamwork & Teambuilding

Goal Setting & Achieving Your Dreams

Coaching & Mentoring


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Adventure, Risk Taking, & Finding Your Passion

Personal Growth & Expanding Your Life

Health, Fitness, Diet and Nutrition

Peak Performance

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