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Lars Hamberg    

Expert on Artificial Intelligence in The Finance Industry

Lars Hamberg is a founder, investor, finance industry veteran, and pioneer in AI-driven prediction models, with 30 years experience from the finance industry, and 15 years experience from AI-driven prediction modeling. Founded businesses in analytics, asset mgmt, AI & IT-software. Co-founder and former CEO of Gavagai, a language AI company, which launched the world's first commercial large language model, and was awarded the entrepreneurship prize 2018 and presented in Davos.

Hamberg has worked as a global multi-asset portfolio manager, and as CEO, hired after the Icelandic collapse to restructure Glitnir AB, one of the largest operator in the nordic markets. He also worked for S.G. Warburg, Swiss Bank Corporation, UBS and ABN AMRO in various roles, including head of research.

Hamberg wrote a number of articles on artificial intelligence, advanced analytics, machine learning and prediction models, digital transformation and change, AI-based trading strategies and prediction modelling for statistical arbitrage, and wrote a book on counterparty risk in OTC derivatives. Served as arbiter at the SCC Arbitration Institute. Known for his engaging speaking style, Hamberg frequently takes the stage at global industry events, addressing topics from AI's impact on finance to digital transformation. His presentations are characterized by directness and a touch of dry humor.

Hamberg most sought-after presentation delves into the transformative impact of AI on the investment and asset management industry, offering invaluable guidance for navigating this dynamic landscape. Hamberg is a frequent speaker on artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced analytics, alternative data, AI/ML based prediction models for trading & asset management, digital transformation, business transformation, fintech innovation.

In financial services and other at company and industry events, e.g. NASDAQ, Blackrock, Deutsche Bank, ETF Securities, World Gold Council, DASH, ETF & Indexing World London, IndexUniverse Amsterdam, QuantWorld Chicago, TradeTechAsia Singapore, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Middle East Investment Summit Dubai, Fund Forum Asia Hong Kong, Smart Data San Jose, Big Data World Dubai, ITAS Hong Kong, FSM Hong Kong, Fundforum Berlin, Asian Investment Summit Hong Kong, FundForum Middle East Dubai, Big Data in Banking New York, European Institute, Institutional Investor Frankfurt, Microsoft Tech Days, Trading Show London, Customer Festival & Loyalty World Dubai, Institutional Investor Zurich & London, Insight Show London, Korean Ministry of Industry & Trade Seoul, Davos Switzerland.

Speech Topics

AI in Modern Payments and Banking

Unleashing the Potential – Artificial Intelligence in Asset Management

Artificial Intelligence is fundamentally changing the operating conditions and the competitive landscape in the financial industry. Why is it so important to understand what is going on, and why now? What is AI, Advanced Analytics, and Intelligence? What is Machine Learning? What are the important changes in the evolution of Asset Management and Machine Learning in Finance. What are the Benefits of Machine Learning in Asset Management. How is AI changing the Asset Gathering & Growth Strategy is wealth management, and how is it used for Catching and for Retaining Whales? How is AI used for meeting the soft and hard client needs? How will AI-driven business model innovation change the structure for revenue generation across the eco-system, from hedge-funds to intermediaries to distribution platforms, and where will the bulk of fees be generated?

  • Case Study 1. – AI in Distribution (Wealth Division)
  • Case Study 2. – AI in Selection (Pension Fund)
  • Case Study 3. – AI in Production and alpha generation (Money Manager)
  • Challenges in Practice
  • The Future - outlook and implications for the competitive landscape.
  • Conclusion - appropriate action points.
  • Key Takeaways, Questions & Discussion

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