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Lewis M. Milford
Founder and President of Clean Energy Group (CEG)
Lewis Milford is the founder and President of Clean Energy Group (CEG), a national U.S. nonprofit organization that promotes effective clean energy policies, develops low carbon technology innovation strategies, and works on new financial tools to deploy clean energy technologies and stabilize greenhouse gas emissions. CEG concentrates on climate and clean energy issues at the state, national, and international levels, as it works with diverse stakeholders from governments as well as the private and nonprofit sectors. Mr. Milford also founded another nonprofit, Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA), a coalition of state and sub-federal entities that fund or administer clean energy programs; CESA is also managed by CEG. Through CESA, CEG assists states and municipal utilities to create and implement innovative practices and public funding programs to advance clean energy markets and project deployment.
In the technology area, CEG and CESA have started and manage several new initiatives: CEG/CESA is now the key facilitator of a federal- state partnership to facilitate and accelerate process for siting and development of offshore wind projects; CESA continues to lead the Marine Energy Technology Acceleration Partnership (METAP), a project with DOE and states to accelerate the commercialization of marine hydrokinetic (tidal, wave and current) technologies in the U.S; and through the Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership, CESA works to accelerate the deployment of energy storage projects in the United States through a strategic, collaborative approach between the state and federal stakeholders, with funding provided by Sandia National Laboratory. CEG also has advanced new thinking on technology innovation in the international arena through work for European governments and publication of numerous papers on disruptive innovation, reverse innovation and new structures for international technology cooperation.
In the policy area, CEG/CESA also manages the State-Federal RPS Collaborative, the only national forum for RPS administrators that now includes over 160 state leaders across the country. In finance, CEG manages the UNEP SEF Alliance, which is the convening body in the international system for public finance agencies in the clean energy sector. CEG also has prepared numerous reports which analyze the performance of state and utility clean energy financing programs over the past decade.
Mr. Milford is an attorney with over thirty years of public interest and environmental experience, having been an energy attorney, law professor and prosecutor. He has also written articles for publications including the Boston Globe, New York Times and Environmental Finance, and co-authored a nonfiction American history book published by Simon and Schuster.
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