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Linda Noble Topf    

Advocate For People With Chronic Illness and Author of You Are Not Your Illness

Linda Noble Topf is an author, wellness and life coach, and advocate for people with chronic illness. As an individual with Multiple Sclerosis, Topf views the adversity of chronic illness as a vehicle for personal growth and a spiritual awakening in the areas of relationships, joy, intimacy, courage, self-worth, freedom of expression, and restoring your peace of mind.

As a pioneer and activist for disability rights, wellness counselor, and prolific writer, Topf shares her experience, practical advice and wisdom for overcoming adversity, illuminating the possibilities open to all of us—whether living with an illness, confronting an injury, or embracing the aging process.

Throughout her career as a spiritual counselor and educator, Topf’s work has helped thousands of people live a more meaningful life by discovering the courage it takes to acknowledge their fears, doubts, and self-defeating beliefs, recognize and claim their self-worth, and exploring what is possible regardless of any challenges they may face.

Topf is the author of You Are Not Your Illness, Wheelchair Wisdom, and a monthly column for the Huffington Post.

Speech Topics

Wheelchair Wisdom: Awakening Your Spirit through Adversity

The Power of a Healthy Woman

Chronic Illness in Relationships

Living Life as Your True Self

Overcoming Adversity Speaker

Millennial-Motivation Speaker

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Health & Wellness Speaker

You Are Not Your Illness: Seven Principles for Meeting the Challenge

Future of Healthcare Communication

The Power of a Creative Woman

The Impact of Chronic Illness on Marriage

Beyond Illness: A Patient's Roadmap to Renegotiating Life

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