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Liz Cheney & Howard Dean
Howard Dean's groundbreaking campaign for the U.S. Presidency and Liz Cheney is a highly sought-after political commentator whose experiences in the government.
Howard Dean
Howard Dean's groundbreaking campaign for the U.S. Presidency and subsequent four years as Chairman of the Democratic National Committee have provided him with both an insider's view and a reformer's commitment to the economy, foreign trade policy and international relations. His 12 years as Governor and his Chairmanship of the National Governor's Association have given him a vast knowledge of domestic issues. His skillful stewardship of the party as Democratic National Committee chair began in 2005 and continued through the inauguration of President Barack Obama. As Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Governor Dean made the Democratic Party competitive in every race, in every district, in every state and territory, while integrating national and state party operations and standing up for Democrats' core values.
Liz Cheney
Liz Cheney is a highly sought-after political commentator whose experiences in the government, private sector and American politics over the last 20 years have given her a unique insight into a wide range of critical issues facing the United States today. Since January 2009, she has been a leading voice in the debates about the future of American foreign and national security policy. During the Bush Administration, she served as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Middle East, where she established and managed programs to empower women and bring economic, political and educational reform to the Arab World.
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