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Lori Cascio    

Regional Coordinator for Students for Life

Lori Cascio grew up pro-life but it wasn’t until she was put in charge of her church’s weekly 40 Days for Life prayer in high school that her passion for abolishing abortion was ignited. She attended the Students for Life of America National Conference, where the unmovable beliefs of students and speakers inspired her. After starting her Students for Life group in high school and graduating, Lori spent the summer discerning her career goals as a Missionary for Life with SFLA. She spent time working for a pro-life Congressman and a pregnancy resource center, in addition to working at the SFLA office.

She attended George Mason University in Virginia, where she joined the Students for Life club, becoming its president her sophomore year. She ultimately became an excellent example of the pro-life generation by establishing the school’s Pregnant on Campus Initiative. The program led to more resources for pregnant and parenting moms on campus, like nursing rooms, referrals to pregnancy resource centers at the health center, and closer parking to campus.

Lori joined Students for Life upon graduation where she served as the Virginias Regional Coordinator and worked full-time training and mobilizing local students from the tip of West Virginia’s Northern Panhandle to Virginia Beach. She now serves as the Director of Programs where she manages a team of three who work to bring all programmatic materials from idea to implementation on campuses across the country.

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