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Louis-Philippe Loncke            

Explorer, Motivational Speaker, Entrepreneur, Management Consultant; European Adventurer of 2016

Louis-Philippe Loncke is an explorer, adventurer, consultant, film maker, speaking coach and entrepreneur. He has degrees in engineering and management. In 2002 he was sent to Singapore for work and started scuba diving. Two years later he went to travel, dive and hike for an entire year in Australia and New Zealand. He walked a total of 2000 km and dove 100 times. After meeting a few explorers back in Europe, he returned to Australia to accomplish his first 3 expeditions. All world firsts.

He has done many expeditions from solo extreme treks across deserts, long distance sea-kayaking on rivers or lakes, scientific or expeditions to raise awareness for an ecological cause. Most of his expeditions were prepared while still having a full-time job as consultant in IT/Privacy. After many years of doing expeditions (2006-...) he started finally making films in 2021.

He received recognition as torchbearer for the 2012 London Olympics, Life Fellow of the Explorers Club, elected Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society and Ambassador for the Jane Goodall Institute in Belgium. In 2014, he was knighted by Dr. Goodall herself “Sir Iguana”, knight for the Youth, the Animals and the plants at the European parliament. He was a JCI (Junior Chamber International) member for 5 years (2013-2017).

With his own company, he works as freelancer consultancy, consultancy for expeditions and prepares his expeditions and films. In 2011 he started a start-up Expedb (Expedition Database) which is an encyclopedia of expeditions online: a source of inspiration for young explorers, adventurers, scientists and the general public. He knows that if more people are inspired by expeditions and nature, they will start caring more for the environment. His life goal would be to be able to plant and fund the planting of 1 billion trees.

He gives motivational and leadership speeches for corporate companies. He was on a TEDx stage multiple times. He applies the lessons learnt in his corporate jobs to his expeditions and uses his during expeditions experience into his job.

Speech Topics

Workshop: how to prepare a world first expedition

The analogy between a corporate project and an expedition project. Q&A. Then, in groups, we'll discuss what do we have to think of when preparing an expedition. Several groups will get a different type of expedition.

Think out of the box

How to deal with uncertainty and new challenges never done before? Be more creative.

How to motivate yourself when you are alone?

Auto-motivation techniques for sales people on the road.

Leadership & Business in Expeditions.

Based on my personal expeditions, of famous expedition like Shackelton's journey, my start-up experience and publications by professional researchers.

Exploration and Adventure today (FUN)

Knowing the outdoor and adventure community very well. I explain what it’s all about. What is exploration today, who are the fakes, why does it matter ?

The 6 to 9 routine working hours of the adventurer (FUN)

A funny analogy between a day at work as employee and a day during an unsupported expedition.

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The effect of stress in extreme environment. How to beat Burnout ?

During solo expeditions in deserts, scientists have measured the cognitive effect of decision taking under stress in extreme environment. The corporate world can be also extreme and employees tired. Will you burn ? When ? How to get more energy?

Why a business that is sustainability oriented will succeed ? and the other fail!

A keynote about how you better be responsible because the behavior of people is changing. Motivation, values. Laws about ecology will come anyway. Put a culture of challenge or innovation in the company to be prepared for changes

How to do deal with failure?

Cry, laugh, think, write down and come back to the errors. Turning the negative in something even more positive than if you succeeded during your first attempt.

Less is more

A competitive advantage (and sustainable) To hightlight and illustrate the vision of your company in doing efforts in sustainability (part of CSR) I highlight my solo extreme expeditions and what it brought me as ideas and solutions to do more or better with less resources.

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