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Ludwig Siegele  

Online Business Editor

Ludwig is the Economist's online business and finance editor. He joined The Economist as US technology correspondent in 1998. In 2003 he was sent to Berlin as the newspaper's Germany Correspondent, before relocating to London in 2008 to cover the IT industry until 2011. Mr Siegele started his journalistic career in 1990 as the Paris Business Correspondent of Die Zeit, a Germany weekly. In 1995 he moved from France to California to write about the internet for several German publications. He holds a degree in economics and political science from Cologne University and degrees in journalism from the Kölner Journalistenschule as well as the Centre de Formation des Journalists (CFJ) in Paris. He is also co-author of a book on SAP ("Matrix der Welt - SAP und der neue globale Kapitalismus"). He is the author of a recent special report in The Economist on startups and the global entrepreneurial explosion, entitled "A Cambrian moment. He is married and lives in London with his wife and two children.


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