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Mario Moretti Polegato    

Chairman, GEOX Group, Italy

Mario Moretti Polegato is Chairman of the Geox group, the leading footwear brand in Italy and a major player in the lifestyle and casual industry worldwide, with 30,000 employees and collaborators working in over 110 countries. On 1 December 2004, Geox was listed on the Milan Stock Exchange.

He has been named Italian World Entrepreneur by Ernst&Young, Borsa Italiana and Il Sole 24 Ore for his strategic use of market opportunities in Italy and worldwide and his consistent ability to innovate.

He was awarded the title of "Innovator of the year" by CNBC and the Financial Times during the European Business Leaders Awards, for developing a brand that combines fashion and technology.

Mario Moretti Polegato dedicates a great deal of personal time to lecturing on intellectual property in schools and universities in Italy and abroad. Such commitment led one of the world's leading business schools, the ESCP-EAP Europe Business School, to award him the title of “Affiliate Professor of Entrepreneurship”. He has spoken at some of the most prestigious schools and institutes in the world, including the Ca' Foscari University of Venice, MIT, Boston, University of Cambridge, Beijing University, University of Hong Kong and Moscow University. His university work continues as a member of the International Advisory Council of Bocconi University, Milan and as Chairman of the International Advisory Board of Cardenal Herrera University, Valencia.

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