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Marshall Reid  

Founder, "PORTIONSIZEME", A lifestyle Campaign.

Marshall Reid started his advocacy against obesity and living a better life after being bullied in elementary school. After finally switching schools he saw the documentary film "Super Size Me" where a man ate at McDonalds for a month and an idea was born. The Summer of 2009, Marshall Reid, told his mother he wanted to set a goal to do the opposite of the film "Super Size Me" and eat healthy for a month.

During the month, Marshall and his mother, Alexandra Reid, created the Portion Size Me goals and learned an awful lot, like how this is not a diet or a program, but a lifestyle change. It's forever! Marshall coined it "Portion Size Me" and they came up with six tangible goals. Now project "Portion Size Me" has led to a published book, several national television interviews to include "The Today Show", "Fox & Friends", CNN, and a National tour covering 30 cities.

The Reids hope families across the country will adopt the Portion Size Me lifestyle, which is pretty simple: swap unhealthy ingredients for better ones, shop local markets and farms when you can, stick to the correct portion sizes, and never give up on yourself! Marshall, inspired his family to "get real" with their food choices. Now leading the "PORTIONSIZEME" campaign he continues to shed pounds and have more energy.

As Marshall puts it, “the Portion Size Me lifestyle will make you feel GOOD about yourself and your body! Who doesn’t want that?”

Marshall's ability at public speaking is genuine and witty in both small intimate spaces and large public venues. He not only motivates and inspires as an individual himself but it is touching to hear from a youth's voice how important it is to make healthy choices. At 13 now, and 6 BMI points lower, Marshall and his family will continue to travel and present a fun challenge for youth called "Snack Wars". Marshall has presented at Taste of Atlanta. Vermont's annual USDA Spring Conference, William J. Clinton Foundation and so much more. He also aspires to write a second book he has already coined Exercise Me. Marshall speaks to groups across the country, on his own, or with his mother, Alexandra Reid about his lifestyle change.

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