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Mary LoVerde        

Best-Selling Author, Life Balance Expert, Global Adventurer

Mary LoVerde has traveled from Bangkok to Biloxi sharing her innovative strategies for staying connected to what matters most. She is the author of three best-selling books published in multiple languages: "I Used to Have a Handle on Life but It Broke," "Stop Screaming at the Microwave," and "Touching Tomorrow." Her work has been featured extensively in the media, including five appearances on the "Oprah Winfrey Show," a "20/20" special on stress, and on "ABC World News Tonight." Her blog is read in 35 countries, and her scholarly work is published in the Wall Street Journal, the New England Journal of Medicine, and the Ladies Home Journal. She served on the faculty of the University of Colorado School of Medicine for 15 years as the Director of the Hypertension Research Center.

She has been an employee, an employer, and an entrepreneur, making her realistic about the challenges of long hours, family commitments, crazy travel, and the desire to have a life that includes sleep. Her speaking topics cover a range of areas including Attitude, Decision Making, Empowerment, Inspiration, Leadership, Management, Motivation, Healthcare, and Life and Work Balance, reflecting a deep understanding of these complex dynamics.

In 2010, LoVerde gave her philosophy on work-life balance and taking the next step the ultimate test: She accepted the unexpected invitation to sell her unique dream home in Denver, gave away nearly all of her belongings, and embarked solo on a make-it-up-as-you-go global adventure, living around the world for three years without a house or a plan. This experience inspired the "I-Accept-the-Invitation" movement, which encourages embracing new challenges with openness.

LoVerde has a living laboratory in her blended family of six children, eight grandchildren, and two parents with Alzheimer’s. Every work-life balance strategy gets tested in her own life first, and only the five-star ones make it to the platform. Her approach is described as humorous and thought-provoking, earning her acclaim as a life balance expert and Hall of Fame speaker, and her programs have been praised for their relevance and effectiveness, especially at events like the Women's Business Forum.

Speech Topics

I Used to Have a Handle on Life But it Broke

Keeping Your Life in Balance When Cloning Yourself Won't Work

Stop Screaming at the Microwave!: How to Connect Your Disconnected Life

I Used to Have a Handle on Life But It Broke

Working 24/7 and still can't get it all done? Most of us feel that the only way to manage the mounting chaos in our lives is to take control. If only we could get a handle on life! No wonder we have overwhelming to-do lists that leave us feeling exhausted and powerless. In this heartwarming and funny program you'll learn straightforward, innovative techniques for keeping your balance no matter what life throws your way.

Do the Hokey-Pokey

Calling on the parallels between dance and life, LoVerde takes audiences through a whirlwind program that takes specific aspects of dance and applies them to the challenges and obstacles we face in trying to live a balanced and healthy life. With the firm belief that you don't have to be good at something to be passionate about it, she shows people how to fall back on their "basic steps" when the going gets tough. Identifying the fundamentals of your life that make you happy and keep you sane and making sure that you return to those fundamentals is the surest way to succeed in the dance of life and be happy doing it.

With Whom Should You Connect?

When the stresses of life and work begin to pile up, answering one simple question is the antidote: With whom should I connect? Connecting with the people who matter in your life is the way to create balance. Even in troubling economic times, we can at least have confidence that things move in cycles: business will always come back. But health, relationships, marriages, and other vital aspects of life will not necessarily return. Mary LoVerde shows audiences how to maintain these more fragile aspects of life as we wait for the business cycle to come back around.

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