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Maya Roth  

Assistant Superintendent for Uncommon Schools

Maya Roth Bisignano is an Assistant Superintendent for Uncommon Schools managing five middle schools in the NYC and Boston regions.

She joined Uncommon Schools in 2008 and was the founding principal of Uncommon Charter High School (UCHS) for six years where she helped lead 100% of the 2013-2015 graduating classes to pass in five NY Regents categories – Comprehensive English, Geometry, Integrated Algebra, Spanish, and US History and 98% to pass in Global History and Living Environment – surpassing the local district by 25% in most categories.

Prior to founding Uncommon Charter High School, Dr. Roth Bisignano taught English for ten years with the New York City Department of Education. She started her teaching career at Frederick Douglass Academy in Harlem where she taught 7th grade English. Following that role, she became one of the founding English teachers at Brooklyn Preparatory High School.

Dr. Roth Bisignano earned distinction as a Leverage Leadership Instructor, won the Blackboard Award for Academic Excellence while at UCHS, the Department of Curriculum and Teaching Scholarship Award from Columbia Teachers College, and the James T Sears Award for Curriculum Scholarship from Columbia Teachers College.

She received her B.A. in English with minors in Education and Music from Ithaca College, her M.A. in Educational Theatre from New York University, and her Ed.D. from Teachers College, Columbia University in Curriculum and Teaching with a focus in Educational Policy.

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