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Michael Broome  

Motivational Speaker on Balanced Life & Values; Stress Reduction Expert

Michael quips, "I was a poor student because I suffered from ADD-HD (Attention Deficit Disorder in High Definition). Eventually, I learned to turn my daydreams into worthwhile dreams." Michael Broome earned a BA from Appalachian State University. Through independent study, he designed his major in leadership and public speaking and was twice elected student government president. Upon graduation, he started several entrepreneurial endeavors (one was selling cookware door-to-door) and began addressing any crowd composed of two or more. Since 1979 he has addressed over 3,000 audiences throughout the world.

Michael chose the speaking profession because of his passion to inspire people to maximize their potential, be servant/leaders, achieve a life balance ... and he loves the applause. His commitment to training is demonstrated by the Broyhill Leadership Conferences of which he is founder and president. Over 29,000 participants from throughout North America have attended these weeklong conferences where they are taught the principles of achievement. For many, it is truly a life-changing experience.

He has addressed events as diverse as The Million Dollar Round Table, a Congressional Dinner, and an Annual Goat-Dipping. His vast speaking experience enables him to appeal to virtually any type of audience. Michael says his presentations are like baths -- the effect may not last forever, but everybody needs one.

Forty percent of Michael's audiences are from the ranks of management; 40 percent are sales professionals; and the remainder runs the gamut from prison felons to the Girl Scouts. Having shared the podium with noted speakers and celebrities, he has only been upstaged by an orangutan. His talks are punctuated with clapping, laughter and an occasional "Amen." When asked if humor is necessary in a speech, Michael replied, "It is for me if I want to be paid."

Through the years, Michael has been guided by the words of a mentor who advised, "If your philosophy of success doesn't work in your life, don't export it." Most audiences sense whether the speaker walks the talk. Michael only advocates principles that he believes and practices. Even his staff will testify that he genuinely practices what he preaches ... most of the time.

Though he advocates optimism, Michael does not believe everything is always "GREAT!" Life can be difficult. He acknowledges problems, challenges his audiences, and offers realistic strategies. In addition to contemporary examples, Michael develops many of his strategies from historical references. His library bulges with volumes of biographies about people who made a difference. He teaches that if we fail to learn from the past, we will repeat its mistakes in our vocation and life. A critic once told Michael he quoted too many dead people who aren't relevant to what's new. So Michael quoted another dead person: "There is nothing new in the world except the history you do not know." (Harry Truman)

In his book, "Be a Liver of Life, Not a Gallbladder," he sums up his philosophy, The ultimate success is when our life overflows with things that money cannot buy.

He and his wife, Karen, have three children Merica, Olivia, and Caleb. They are active in their faith and have created a summer camp for teens from residential homes and foster care. Their home is nestled in the middle of their 1,500-acre farm. Michael says farming is the most satisfying way he knows to lose money. As an avid conservationist, he protects the flora and fauna and creates habitats for the species Karen says is most similar to her husband the wild turkey.

Speech Topics

"You'll See It When You Believe It" ( Become the Person You Dream to Be!)

Michael will help your group reach their dreams, but not by putting them to sleep! He believes that our motivation is in direct proportion to our belief in a vision. This stimulating presentation encourages the audience to make the most of their lives by setting specific objectives, overcoming procrastination, learning from adversity, and maintaining a dream or vision. In this competitive age, Michaels performance principles will give your people an edge. The message will captivate your audience as they listen, laugh, and learn about the principles of achievement.

"A Humorous Look at Personal and Professional Success** (How To Be A Liver Of Life And Not A Gall Bladder)

Achieving balance in life is the ultimate barometer of success. In this hectic age, Michael teaches his audience to focus their talents and have faith not only in our system, but in their ability to make the system work for them. Motivation, people management, family life, self-esteem and goal-setting strategies are delivered in a humorous, yet informative style. This seminar, like all of Michaels messages, is perfect for meetings where spouses are in attendance..

Killing Stress Before It Kills You"(Everything's Coming Up Neurosis)

Ulcers dont come from what you eatthey come from what is eating you! In the midst of so many mergers, downsizing, and buyouts, Michael says stress is still more often the result of what we value than the result of difficult situations or people. Todays mandate to accomplish more in less time and to do it with fewer people leaves in its wake many who are searching for ways to cope . He teaches techniques of managing pressure, change, fear, anger, and worry. In a nation that nearly consumes its weight in antacid pills, this presentation will help your people overcome burnout. "My presentations are like baths; the effect may not last forever, but everybody could use one." Michael Broome

Be a People Power Person (Leadership, Service, and Teamwork)

Michael talks about the basics in dealing with employees, customers, and family. He teaches principles of teamwork and the art of working and living with others. Managing, serving, leading, critiquing, praising, persuading, and listening are the areas of emphasis. Regardless of your profession, Michael declares that we are all in the "people business." This program is emotionally powerful, intellectually penetrating, and spiced with the spontaneous good humor that is Michaels trademark.

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