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Michael Luca  

Assistant Professor of Business Administration

Michael Luca is an assistant professor of business administration in the Negotiation, Organizations, and Markets Unit. He teaches the Negotiations course in the MBA elective curriculum.

Professor Luca applies econometric methods to field data in order to study the impact of information in market settings. He investigates the types and features of information disclosure that are most effective, the way in which information disclosure is produced and designed, and how these phenomena affect market structure. In his research, Professor Luca considers rankings, expert reviews, online consumer reviews, and quality disclosure laws.

His current work focuses on crowdsourced reviews, analyzing a variety of companies including Yelp, Amazon, and Airbnb. His findings have been written and blogged about in such media outlets as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Huffington Post, Chicago Tribune, Harvard Business Review, PC World Magazine, and Salon.

Professor Luca received his Ph.D. in economics from Boston University and a bachelor’s degree in economics and mathematics from SUNY Albany. Before beginning his doctoral studies, he worked as a health-care actuary for major insurers.

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