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Michael Williams  

DNA Ancestry Testing Expert

Michael Williams lectures on genome mapping and the impact that it has in repairing broken genealogy trails, explaining human migration histories, and profiling preventative health strategies based off of genetic risks. As an alumnus of the renown 23andMe Roots Into The Future program, led by Henry Louis Gates,Jr Ph.D and Dr. Rick Kittles, Michael has gained immense knowledge in the way genetic testing can confirm biological relationships to population groups, world regions, and recent family history through chromosome mapping. Michael speaks at heritage groups, museums, universities, charter schools, civic organizations, and post-adoption organizations.

Speech Topics

DNA Testing

-Ethnic Diversity -Health & Wellness -Family Research -Adoptee, Search, and Reunion

Breaking Barriers: The Impossible Reach Made Possible

Breaking Barriers deals with the impact of how DNA Testing paved the way for me to experience major breakthrough against the brickwall of closed adoption legislation. Furthermore, the audience will be inspired by the miracle adoption, search, and reunion experience off 1996 that allowed for me the chance to retrace my roots back nearly 300-years.

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