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Michele Cushatt
Motivational Speaker & Author of "Undone: A Story of Making Peace with an Unexpected Life"
Michele Cushatt is a motivational speaker and author. A three-time head and neck cancer survivor and parent of “children from hard places,” Cushatt is an expert of trauma, pain and the deep human need for authentic connection. Thus, she’s absolutely committed to sharing her honest struggles, experiences and questions, so you know you’re not alone in yours.
As an experienced communicator, Cushatt has spoken internationally to a wide variety of audiences including LifeToday TV, Compassion International, Hope House of Colorado, Women Of Faith, Ziglar Family, Focus on the Family, Proverbs 31, She Speaks, Family Life Blended, Dynamic Communicators International, as well as numerous other corporate and ministry events and various podcast, radio, video and audio recording mediums.
From 2014 to 2016, Cushatt joined leadership expert and mentor Michael Hyatt as the weekly cohost of his popular podcast, This is Your Life With Michael Hyatt. In addition, she and Michael produced Get Published, a 21-session audio program for aspiring writers. Currently, Cushatt can be found weekly with her buddy Kathi Lipp on their hilarious and practical Communicator Academy podcast, “helping writers and speakers become the communicators God made them to be.” In 2019, Cushatt launched her brand new This Undone Life Together podcast & video, a series of honest conversations about real faith and real relationship in the hard places.
Since 2007, Cushatt has worked closely with Ken Davis and the SCORRE Conference, filling multiple roles including emcee, presenter, and coach. With a solid understanding of what makes for excellent communication, Cushatt coaches multiple leaders and speakers to discover, develop, and deliver powerful presentations. In addition, she leads the intensive, application-based Inspired Life Mastermind for women who desire to live their best life—in business, relationships and personal growth.
Pulling from her uncommon life story, Cushatt released her first book, a memoir titled Undone: A Story of Making Peace With An Unexpected Life, with Zondervan Publishers in 2015. Her second book, a devotional written in the brutal months after her third round of cancer, is titled I Am: A 60-Day Journey To Knowing Who You Are Because of Who He Is, and it released January 2017. Currently, she is researching and writing two more books, slated to release in 2019 and 2021.
Speech Topics
The Write Business
Though most writers would prefer to spend their day creating stories and multiplying word count, establishing longevity as a writer also requires savvy business sense. Turn your hobby and passion into a career by identifying your unique message, developing and honing your brand, creating multiple potential products, and broadening your market. This is an interactive class.
The Author Takes the Stage
The most effective book promotion is the author herself! Dont wait until your book is published or an invitation to speak arrives to learn the secrets of captivating a live audience with an irresistible presence. Unlock the keys to presenting yourself on a stage as well as you do on paper (NOTE: Michele is a Certified Communications coach the SCORRE Conference, Nashville, TN)
The Powerful Pitch
Whether meeting with an editor, agent or even a potential reader, how you pitch your book or project idea will determine your level of success. In this class you will learn the three essentials to crafting a fabulous pitch, work on a pitch for your current project, and have the opportunity to practice it with immediate and constructive feedback.
Launching Your Speaking Platform
Nothing can launch an authors career or expand her market like a vibrant and effective speaking platform. But how do you get started when youre building from scratch? How do you expand beyond small, local and often non-paying events? Whats the key to booking regular events? In this two-part presentation, Michele will teach you the secrets to launching your speaking platform, both on the stage and behind the scenes.
Mosaics: The Art of a Beautifully Blended Family
One-third of American weddings today create blended families. Still, most women in blended families feel utterly alone. At times the challenges seem overwhelming, their dreams of family shattered. But like glass mosaics, beauty is revealed when the pieces are masterfully arranged. With over a decade of personal experience and a heart full of empathy, Michele Cushatt will help you:
Minimize your loneliness by forging critical relationships Enjoy greater satisfaction in your marriage, even when its complicated Create a new vision for your family by managing expectations Strengthen your familial bonds through savvy boundaries and communication
Good Mom, Lonely Mom
Being a mom can be a lonely job. Early mornings, late nights, interrupted conversations, date nights stolen by one crisis after another, and all this with very few expressions of gratitude. While molding and shaping and loving and keeping, its easy for moms to neglect their own need for connection. Find relief for your loneliness and discover a few tips to breathing life back into your heart and (over-18) relationships.
Fabulous Moments for a Family on the Fly
Life may be flying by, but you dont have to miss it. Michele shares her quick and easy-to-implement ways to turn ordinary family moments into fabulous ones.
Moms Rules For the Pool: How to Swim Through the Mothering Years Without Drowning
Grab hold of three lifelines for staying afloatand maybe even thriving!during the chaos of the parenting years.
Dreaming of a White Christmas
Perfect for a Christmas brunch or holiday dinner, Michele shares the beautiful intricacies of a single snowflake, designed by a God who loves us more than we can imagine. By savoring the reassurances found in both the snow and our Savior, each women can enjoy greater peace and joy during Christmas.
Ruth: Becoming a Woman of Confidence
Regardless of age or background, insecurity is a recurring plague for many women. Whether were simply dissatisfied with our appearance or broken by a lifetime of deep wounds, we can live bound by fear, regret, and an inescapable feeling of unworthiness. Through the story of Ruth, God shows us that we can get back to a place of security and confidence, by following in the footsteps of a woman who left it all to find her one true love.
Portraits of Motherhood
Being a mother can be the best job in the world. And the most difficult. As kids grow up, the question plaguing most moms is, Have I done a good job? She wants to leave an imprint her kids will carry into adulthood, but the process is neither easy or simple. In this session, Michele journeys back into history to reveal three portraits of motherhood. Each woman approached motherhood a bit differently, but each left a legacy of excellence. Whether your a mom, an expectant mother or woman with a heart to influence, youll be inspired to make your presence count for as long as you can.
A Passion for Intercession
Based on an article written for Todays Christian Woman, Michele shares the benefits of following through on a well-meaning Ill pray for you and a few easy-to-follow steps to turn good intentions into powerful and life-changing intercession.
With You
Although opportunities for connection abound as never before, the latest statistics show loneliness is on the rise. We crave relationship, and Facebook, Twitter and our iPhone apps arent cutting it. Relationships dont just happen; they require desire, intentionality and good old-fashioned hard work. Relearn eight skills to move deeper in your chief relationships.
Love Notes: Finding a Love that Lasts
In a world that sells love to the cheapest bidder, finding a love that lasts real love is almost impossible. Or is it? From the beginning of time weve been pursued and wooed by the Author of Love. And His Word to us holds more romance and mystery than we could ever hope for. Join Michele in exploring love notes from our Father, and find a love that will nevernever!end.
Infused: Ancient Paths to a Spiritually-full Life
In the midst of the daily demands of life, it doesnt take much to end up lonely, weary, and longing for a soul-filling connection with God. Are you running on empty? Does your relationship with God feel like one more unchecked item on your to-do list? Perhaps its time for a infusion. By examining the ancient practices of men and women who have gone before, Michele Cushatt will help you:
Enjoy Gods presence by creating space for Him Deepen spiritual intimacy through moments of solitude Heighten awareness of the Divine through the practice of gratitude Find peace by cultivating an eternal perspective Dare to Live! Real Courage for Real Life By the time Michele was 39 years old, shed been in ministry in multiple churches, had endured a shocking and painful public divorce, trudged through several years as a single mom, discovered the unique challenges of remarriage and stepfamilies, and suffered an unexpected cancer diagnosis. In the middle of the chaos, God revealed the path to courage, even when fear is paralyzing and life seems impossible. This presentation is rich with both authenticity and humor, helping real people find real courage to keep living in impossible scenarios.
The Exhale of Gods Presence (Psalm 91)
Not long after our Creator formed the seas and the stars, Genesis 2:7 says He breathed into man the breath of life. From the very beginning, our vibrancy depended on the exhale of God. But sometimes life moves at such a pace we forget to inhale. Psalm 91 claims the secret of our security rests in our ability to dwell. But what does that mean? How do we learn to daily dwell with an unseen God, to inhale His presence in a way that resurrects a stagnant life? By walking through Psalm 91 and sharing her own powerful story, Michele Cushatt invites seekers to breathe. And live.
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