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Neal Adams      

Comic Book and Commercial Artist

Neal Adams is an American comic book artist. He is probably best known for creating some of the definitive modern imagery of the characters Superman, Batman, and Green Arrow. He began his career in 1960, working for Archie Comics in the Archie's Jokebook Magazine. He was then hired by Warren Publishing. Adams' first published work for DC Comics was in 1967 in the title Our Army at War; and after his good performance, he moved on to work on titles as The Adventures of Jerry Lewis, Action Comics; Brave and the Bold; Superman's Girlfriend, Lois Lane; Strange Adventures, Detective Comics; Batman and many more.

Adams is also known for being the creator of Ra's al Ghul and the League of Assassins in his run on the Batman comics along with writer Dennis O'Neil.

Recently, he has been working for various companies including DC and Marvel Comics.

Adams attended the School of Industrial Art high school in Manhattan and graduated in 1959. He currently lives in New York with his wife and he has three sons.

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