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Patrick Harris  

Patrick Harris is the definitive 'blue sky' thinker, underpinned by a drive to reach practical, workable solutions.

At the end of the nineties, Patrick Harris was instrumental in devising Telecom giant Orange's cutting-edge business strategy, working directly for the legendary CEO Hans Snook. As co-architect and founding member of the Orange Strategic Think Tank, his vision helped set the multi-million pound agenda for some 30,000 employees in 20 countries. Patrick has stamped his creative imprimatur on projects for some of the biggest names in business, government and education. His high profile projects have won him acclaim in the national and business press such as The Times, The Journal of Brand Management and the European Foundation for Management Development. However, unlike some supposed creative gurus, Patrick's flair for high concept strategy is tempered with a hard-nosed realism. Patrick served his apprenticeship in heavy industry. His first job after graduating from university in 1998 was Maintenance Planner for Cajun Electric Power in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Disaster planning for a 1,800 megawatt powerstation has given Patrick a keen appreciation of bottom-line practicalities. Although a recognised expert on telecommunications, Patrick is nothing if not versatile. His work is in demand across the entire spectrum of professional life. Recent briefs have dealt with scientific issues for The Department of Business, Innovation and Skills, strategic foresight Catch22, organisational change at the RIBA and strategy development for Finlays. Patrick is a director at the leading global foresight and futures consultancy, The Futures Company. Here his work is primarily on strategic foresight - understanding the macro futures environment and developing company-specific strategic responses to the implications seen. In 2009 Patrick published his first book, "The Truth About Creativity". Whether delivering a powerful keynote speech or a masterclass, Patrick Harris can provide his audiences with unique insights.


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