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Paula Carozzo      

Inclusive & Disability Activist

Disability activist, content creator, model and speaker, Paula Carozzo has cultivated and created a space to redefine disability.

At the age of five, Carozzo was diagnosed with cerebral palsy after an anoxic episode from a surgery. On her journey with a cane, Carozzo shares her story on what it's like to live with a disability by amplifying the voices of her community to share their laughs, struggles, and adventures from living with a disability.

With an audience of over 100k on all combined platforms, Carozzo is recognized as a spokesperson for disability, wellness, accessibility, universal design, community impact, wellness and lifestyle. Carozzo has worked with some of the most notable corporate clients and brands worldwide including Google, Facebook, Clinique, Wells Fargo, and Tommy Hilfigher. Carozzo’s work has also been featured on publications like Refinery 29, Facebook, WebMD, Popsugar, and Telemundo.

Carozzo resides between Miami, NYC and LA and strives to leave her inclusive footprint by creating equitable change in the community.

Speech Topics

Disability, Inclusivity, Diversity, The Self and Culture

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