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Qudsiyyah Shariyf  

Deputy Director at Chicago Abortion Fund

Qudsiyyah Shariyf is a fierce advocate for reproductive justice and an aspiring birth worker. At the core of Shariyf’s passion for reproductive justice is an understanding of all people’s inherent worth and a sense of duty to ensure dignity, respect, and empathy for all.

Her reproductive justice journey began in the summer of 2016 when she served as an Access Counselor with Women's Medical Fund in Philadelphia, PA. During her undergraduate career at the University of Chicago, Shariyf founded Project Reproductive Freedom, a student advocacy organization dedicated to raising awareness about reproductive justice issues and supporting local reproductive justice organizations in the Chicagoland area.

As an aspiring birth worker, Shariyf hopes to build community support networks and collective power through providing individuals and families with the tools to empower and advocate for themselves and their communities. Each day Shariyf strives to embody and practice an unapologetically Black, queer, feminist, and anti-capitalist politic.

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