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Renee Swope      

Best-Selling Author; Co-Host and Executive Director of Radio & Social Media at Proverbs 31 Ministries

Renee Swope is the best-selling and award-winning author of A Confident Heart, a life-changing message that’s been published in Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Polish and English, with over 130,000 copies sold worldwide. In response to thousands of reader’s requests, Swope wrote A Confident Heart 60-Day Devotional that released last Fall.

When describing herself, Swope loves hyphenated adjectives such as word-loving, heart-encouraging, story-telling grace and coffee-addict who has been redeemed and transformed by the unconditional love of Christ. Through powerful Biblical teaching, personal life stories and practical everyday life encouragement, Swope touches hundreds of thousands of women’s lives each year as a national conference speaker and international radio co-host with Proverbs 31 Ministries.

Married for over 20 years to her best friend, Swope and her husband J.J. have three children: Joshua, Andrew and their Ethiopian princess, Aster, who they adopted in 2009.

The Swope’s lives in North Carolina where she has been on staff with Proverbs 31 Ministries for 19 years, and serves part-time as Executive Director of Radio and Social Media. Swope is also a contributing writer for Encouragement for Today devotions, DaySpring’s (in)courage blog and The Time Warp Wife.

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