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Reva Bhalla    

STRATFOR's Vice President of Strategic Intelligence. Speaker on Middle East.

Reva Bhalla is STRATFOR's Vice President of Strategic Intelligence. Ms. Bhalla joined STRATFOR in 2004 and developed her expertise in the Middle East, South Asian and Latin American affairs. As a senior global analyst, Ms. Bhalla plays an integral role in applying a forward-looking, strategic lens to STRATFOR's coverage of global events.

Ms. Bhalla has been featured in and cited by numerous newspapers and broadcasts, including Bloomberg, CNN, The Associated Press, National Public Radio, Time Magazine, Al Jazeera, FOX News, Haaretz, The New York Times, RT, The Hindustan Times, Agencia Estado, Xinhua, Veja and Business Week. She also regularly represents STRATFOR at political and security conferences in the United States and abroad.

Ms. Bhalla has a bachelor's degree in political science from the University of Texas asnd a master's degree from the Security Studies program of the Shcool of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.

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