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Robert Bryce        

Energy Expert, Veteran Journalist & Acclaimed Author

Robert Bryce is a seasoned energy analyst, journalist, and author of several books, including "A Question of Power: Electricity and the Wealth of Nations," "Smaller Faster Lighter Denser Cheaper: How Innovation Keeps Proving the Catastrophists Wrong," "Power Hungry: The Myths of 'Green' Energy and the Real Fuels of the Future," "Gusher of Lies: The Dangerous Delusions of Energy Independence," "Cronies: Oil, The Bushes, And The Rise Of Texas, America's Superstate," and "Pipe Dreams: Greed, Ego, and the Death of Enron."

Bryce has dedicated his career to writing about energy, politics, and innovation for over three decades. He was a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute from 2010 to 2019 and has contributed to numerous publications such as the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Bloomberg View, and the Washington Post. Bryce's work extends to other publications such as Texas Observer, Houston Press, and Christian Science Monitor. He has also made appearances on C-SPAN and other media outlets, including Bloomberg TV, Al Jazeera, Fox, and NPR.

Besides his journalistic ventures, Bryce was also the managing editor of the online magazine Energy Tribune from 2006 to 2010. His extensive research and writings cover diverse topics, from the infeasibility of the United States becoming energy-independent to the health impacts of low-frequency noise emitted from wind turbines and the challenges associated with large-scale carbon capture and sequestration. Bryce has also been an outspoken critic of the V-22 tiltrotor, or Osprey, for its safety and cost record.

Apart from his writing, Bryce is also a film producer; he produced a feature-length documentary titled "Juice: How Electricity Explains the World." As a speaker, Bryce is well-regarded for his ability to dissect industrial trends and future energy pathways in an understandable and intriguing manner. His insightful analysis extends to the implications of technological advancements enabling us to do more with less, contributing to global enhanced living standards.

Speech Topics

Why is Natural Gas the Redheaded Stepchild of the Energy Business?

Gusher of Lies: The Dangerous Delusions of “Energy Independence”

Power Hungry: The Myths of "Green" Energy & the Real Fuels of the Future

Smaller Faster Lighter Denser Cheaper: How Innovation Keeps Proving the Catastrophists Wrong

In the face of today’s environmental and economic challenges, doomsayers preach that the only way to stave off disaster is for humans to reverse course: to de-industrialize, re-localize, ban the use of modern energy sources and forswear prosperity. In this provocative and optimistic speech based on his new book – which rebukes the catastrophists – Robert Bryce shows audiences how innovation and the inexorable human desire to make things Smaller Faster Lighter Denser Cheaper is providing consumers with Cheaper and more abundant energy, Faster computing, Lighter vehicles and myriad other goods. Ultimately, he explains how that same desire is fostering unprecedented prosperity, greater liberty and better environmental protection across multiple sectors.

Another American Century: Why the US Will Continue Dominating The Global Economy

For all of the talk about the decline of the US and the rise of the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) the facts show that America’s dominance of the world is far from over. In this talk, Bryce shows how America’s advantages in energy, education, and infrastructure -- and perhaps most important, innovation and entrepreneurship -- will make the 21st century into yet another American century.

The innovation drivers: How the push for Smaller Faster Lighter Denser Cheaper is leading to a richer, freer, greener world. For decades, we’ve been told that things are getting worse

Whether the issue is climate change or peak oil, the pessimists have claimed that we humans are heading the wrong direction. In this provocative presentation, Bryce shows how ongoing innovation in everything from farming to energy production gives us reason to be optimistic. The inexorable push to make things Smaller Faster Lighter Denser Cheaper – a push that has been ongoing for centuries – is leading millions of people out of the darkness and desolation of poverty and into the electric-lit world of modernity. He proves why innovation and optimism, not pessimism, is the way of the future.

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The Myths of “Green” Energy and the Real Fuels of the Future

Politicians and pundits love to talk about “green” and “clean” energy. But the hype doesn’t match the reality. Nine out of 10 units of energy we consume come from hydrocarbons. In this talk, Bryce explains why hydrocarbons will continue to dominate our energy mix for decades to come and why the fuels of the future are natural gas and nuclear.

Leadership lessons from the energy sector: Why Ken Lay went broke and Rich Kinder became a billionaire

The false promises of "energy independence"

The myths of "green" energy and the real fuels of the future

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Nuclear power must be a part of greener future - LA Times
Robert Bryce. Climate scientists want the world to use more nuclear energy to help reduce carbon dioxide emissions, yet America's nuclear sector is withering.
An Ill Wind: Open Season on Bald Eagles - WSJ
Robert Bryce writes on a proposal for new Fish and Wildlife Service regulations. Sacrificing 4200 bald eagles a year to wind turbines sounds fine to regulators.
Big Oil Cheerleader Robert Bryce Predictably Misleads On Wind ...
Life can be full of surprises, but Big Oil ally Robert Bryce deceptively attacking wind energy in the pages of the Wall Street Journal evidently isn't one of them.
Robert Bryce: The failed promise of biofuels | Commentary | Dallas ...
Despite decades of hype, as well as years of mandates and subsidies, biofuels have never made a significant dent in our need for oil. That hasn't stopped the ...

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