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Ross Brinkert  

Dr. Ross Brinkert is Assistant Professor of Corporate Communication at Penn State University, Abington Campus. He is also a consultant, training development professional, and coach with over 10 years of experience in the private and public sectors. Demand for Ross' contributions has taken him inside various Fortune 500 companies as well as in smaller top performing for- profit and not-for-profit organizations across the United States and beyond. Ross's research and consulting work focus on the communication processes that organizations and individuals use to clarify purpose, develop pathways to success, and achieve measurable results. He is especially involved in conflict management as it applies to internal communication strategy, effective self- presentation, and leadership development. Ross is currently co-authoring the book Conflict Coaching: Applying Conflict Management Strategies and Tactics to the Individualwith Dr. Tricia S. Jones, which will be published by Sage in early 2008. He is also active carrying out a research study which tests the application of a conflict coaching model within a large health care system. As a speaker, Ross creates a vision for change by combining a colorful snapshot of research and trends with special attention to the client's unique environment. He has an uncommon ability to connect with the range of individuals within an audience. His emphasis on practical solutions provides more than motivation for change, as participants also leave with easy-to- follow steps for reaching important goals. Ross Brinkert holds a Ph.D. in Communication Sciences from Temple University. He and his family live in the Greater Philadelphia area.

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