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Samuel Ramsey
Assistant Professor of Entomology at University of Colorado Boulder; Science Communicator; Founder & Director of the Ramsey Research Foundation
Dr. Samuel Ramsey is an endowed assistant professor of entomology at the University of Colorado Boulder’s BioFrontiers Institute and the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Known for his dynamic science communication skills, Dr. Ramsey has been featured on platforms such as Hulu’s “Docuseries: Your Attention Please,” The Washington Post, NPR, CNN, Wired, "CBS This Morning," Khan Academy, Seeker, "The Today Show," and various local news segments.
"Dr. Sammy," as he is affectionately known, is celebrated for his ability to make science engaging and accessible to a wide audience. His vibrant scientific presentations and enthusiasm for the entomological community are amplified through social media, where he effectively communicates complex topics and inspires the next generation of curious minds with his passion for science. He founded The Ramsey Research Foundation, a nonprofit organization which works to remove barriers that slow the progress of, and decrease access to, science by developing novel pathways for scientific funding and by removing paywalls that keep the public from engaging with published scientific work.
"Dr. Sammy" graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Entomology from Cornell University and focused his research on Predatory & Parasitic Insect Behavior. He cultivated an interest and expertise in the close relationships between insects and other creatures and dedicated his doctoral research to understanding Varroa destructor, a parasite killing honey bees globally. His award-winning research on Varroa destructor has changed the standing paradigm on how the parasite feeds upon, and ultimately kills, honey bees. He completed his formal education in Dr. Dennis vanEngelsdorp's Honey Bee lab at the University of Maryland, College Park.
Speech Topics
Popular Presentation Topics
- Fight the Mite Thailand Edition: Understanding the Mysterious Tropilaelaps Mite (1 hour) -Invasive Species: The Vexing Reality of Our Global Ecosystem (50 minutes)
- The Honey Bee Landlord: Why Everything Wants to Live in Your Hive (50 minutes
- Varroa destructor Feeds on Bee Blood and Two Other Alternative Facts (1 hour)
- Murder Hornets: The Battle Begins (50 minutes)
- Our Invasive Species Trade Deficit: Why We Get More Species Than We Give (50 minutes)
- Pollinators: Understaffed, Underpaid, and Underappreciated (50 minutes)
- Tropilaelaps Mites: A Fate Worse Than Varroa (50 minutes)
- Weird Wingless Flies: Why It Was Smart for Some Flies to Ditch Flight (45 minutes)
- Tropilaelaps Up Close and Personal: Face to Face with a Mysterious Bee Mite (1 hour)
- Varroa Management: How Mites Should be Treated (50 minutes)
- Varroa Anatomy: Why it Matters to Your Bees (50 minutes)
- Despicable Mites: Recent Findings in the Study of Tropilaelaps mercedesae and Varroa destructor (1 hour)
- Drivers of Honey Bee Colony Losses: What the Data Actually Say (45 minutes)
- Varroa After the Fat: Current Research Endeavors to Fight the Mite (50 minutes)
- Honey Bee Internal Anatomy: A Live Guided Dissection (30 minutes) (not available virtually)
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Is there such a thing as "diversity for diversity's sake" or is diversity a metric worth pursuing consistently? It turns out that the answer to that question is the same regardless of whether you're discussing biology or biologists. In this presentation, you'll get a better understanding of why ecosystems thrive with diversity, why human systems follow the same pattern, and what the major barriers are to achieving diversity in natural and man-made contexts.
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