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Amazing Violinists and Sisters who put on a unique and breathtaking performance.

The sparks of Sephira were apparent at a very young age. Joyce started playing violin at two and a half and Ruth at six years old. Their psychic sibling connection is palpable on stage with their mesmerizing delivery of identical choreography. "It's amazing how playing violin is as natural to us as speaking" says Joyce, the younger sibling. "It's just like an extension of our bodies" says Ruth.

After studying music performance at London's "Guildhall School of Music & Drama", Sephira broke away from their traditional classical influences and became known for their self-described "ethereal vocals and fiery fusion of dueling violins." "When we recorded our debut album, "Believe", we were much younger and were just new to the music industry. Sephira has changed and developed so much since then and our performance is ever evolving. We will continue to push our boundaries and expand our vision to become the most powerful performers we can be and most importantly to keep our audience at the edge of their seats"

It is said that the true measure of an artist is how much one is willing to sacrifice for one's craft. This being said, Sephira are undeniably one of the world's most exhilarating musical talents to have emerged in recent years and through hard work and sheer determination, they have re-emerged stronger than ever with the most character building stories of their lives. Sephira's spectacular track record includes TV appearances with Andrea Bocelli, Kanye West, Michael Buble and Enya. They have mesmerized audiences across the globe with their original compositions, creative covers and charismatic personalities including luminaries Donald Trump, Prince Albert of Monaco and none other than their biggest fan, the late Larry Hagman. Sephira dazzled with an awe-inspiring performance at the pre-premiere of the Bond movie, "Skyfall" in New York City in 2012 and performed for Women of Congress in Washington DC in late 2013. A highlight of 2014 has been performing for the US National Coast Guard Foundation, with keynote speaker, US Secretary of Homeland Security, Honorable Jeh Johnson and a further event in DC where Sephira shared the stage with US Vice President, Joe Biden, introduced by CNN television's Kyra Philips.

The personal strength and dynamic presence of Sephira are clear indicators of musicians who have fully arrived and are here to stay. Sephira's long-term mission is to create music that transcends all religious and ethnic boundaries and has the power to touch the hearts of millions through the global language of music. "Our music has the potential to unite and empower people all over the world"

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