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Spike Mendelsohn              

Chef, Restaurateur & Food Equity Activist

Spike Mendelsohn’s career, spanning nearly three decades, can be described as nothing short of creatively diverse. From chef and restaurateur to television personality, product developer and consultant, Mendelsohn is a force to be reckoned with in the culinary world.

After graduating from the Culinary Institute of America, Mendelsohn worked with some of the world’s most renowned chefs and restaurateurs such as Gerard Boyer, Thomas Keller, Sirio Maccioni and Drew Nieporent. After making his television debut on Bravo TV’s Top Chef, he went on to appear on several other cooking-related shows, including "Life After Top Chef," "Iron Chef America," "Late Night Chef Fight" and "Beat Bobby Flay." He also hosted "Midnight Feast" and Food Network’s "Kitchen Sink."

In 2008, Mendelsohn opened up the first restaurant in his culinary empire on Washington DC’s Capitol Hill: Good Stuff Eatery. His burger joint quickly became a favorite of political elites, including President Barack Obama. This success inspired a cookbook, "The Good Stuff Cookbook" and multiple locations across the country and overseas. Following the opening of Good Stuff Eatery, he opened up We, The Pizza, Béarnaise and Santa Rosa Taqueria. His newest restaurant, PLNT Burger, is dedicated to crafting and redefining some of America’s favorite foods without the use of any animal products. Outside of his restaurants, Spike’s popular DC speakeasy, The Sheppard, paved the way for a second concept called The Morris. Applying his experience and expertise as a chef and restaurateur, Spike has worked with several brands by providing them with creative and comprehensive culinary consulting services.

In an effort to put his passion for food equity and education into action, Mendelsohn began working with organizations like CARE and DC Central Kitchen as a chef ambassador and contributor. His work landed him the position as the first chairman of DC’s Food Policy Council. He has used his voice to speak out about improving the quality of school lunches, equal access to whole and healthy foods and for the protection of the SNAP program. He continues to partner with groups like Food Rescue US and Food Policy Action to make a positive impact on our food system. He executive produced The Inn At Little Washington: A Delicious New Documentary airing on PBS in early 2020.

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