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Stacy London            

Style Expert and Media Maven, Former Co-Host of TLC's "What Not to Wear," New York Times Best-Selling Author, Founder & CEO of State Of Menopause

Stacy London’s career spans a rich history in fashion and media. A stylist, fashion consultant and magazine editor, she is widely recognized for her influential role as the co-host of the TLC series "What Not To Wear," a reality television program that featured wardrobe and appearance makeovers, which ran for 12 seasons.

After graduating from Vassar College, London started her career as a fashion editor at Vogue and transitioned into being a stylist for celebrities and designers. She moved into television by co-hosting "What Not to Wear" and was a dedicated style correspondent for shows including "Today," "Access Hollywood," "Rachel Ray," and "The View." Her book, "The Truth About Style," was a New York Times bestseller and has been acclaimed for its insightful approach to fashion and self-expression as well as for her honesty about her past struggles with eating disorders.

In 2020, London became the CEO of State Of Menopause, a company dedicated to personal care products designed to address menopause and perimenopause symptoms. The venture was inspired by her personal struggle with perimenopausal challenges and the lack of effective solutions available. Determined to fill this gap, London set out to provide not only functional products but also greater education and resources to support women during this life stage. Through her work, she is committed to reshaping the conversation around menopause and midlife—topics often clouded by stigma—by championing advancements in clinical research, improving access to education, and advocating for health policy reforms in menopause care.

Remaining consistently engaged with the community, London has spoken extensively on style and self-esteem at prestigious venues and institutions, including Harvard University, the Global Wellness Conference, and the Women in Retail Summit. Moreover, she has broadened her advocacy to include a focus on the challenges and opportunities present in mid-life and aging.

Speech Topics

How To Age Well: Doing Whatever The Hell You Want

After going on a serious journey to understand menopause, STACY LONDON confronted the realities of aging and what it means to age in our society. From the cultural trope of invisibility to our fear of death to a sense of irrelevance (God forbid!) to a fear of an expiration date, this is a hilarious talk about getting to the other side of the menopause experience by throwing all our expired values out the window and understanding the radical freedom age provides us on so many levels.

The Culture of Midlife: Embracing Middle Age

After spending decades as America’s foremost style icon, STACY LONDON has turned her attention and expertise toward middle age and menopause – topics wrapped up in shame and stigma. People in their forties to their seventies have never been given their own culture, and London wants to change that. With her trademark humor and poignant insight, Stacy redefines this cultural identity as one to value and understand – leaving audiences feeling empowered in who they are and how to advance in a more progressive way.

The Hero’s Journey to The Artist’s Way

Drawing on the iconic resources of Joseph Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey and Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, STACY LONDON discusses these major divisions in our lives. In this inspiring talk, London shares insights into the first phase – the hero’s journey – in which you find out who you are, and the second phase – the artist’s way – in which you decide what you are going to do with it.

Culture of Women at Work

In this compelling talk, style expert and founder STACY LONDON offers insights for companies about the well-documented culture of losing women employees after they’re forty. Whether they are leaving to start or care for their families, London shares how important it is for companies to retain these employees and foster multi-generational teams, and actionable strategies for how to make that happen.

Giving Menopause a Makeover

Style icon and CEO of State of Change STACY LONDON unpacks the shame and stigma surrounding menopause, making an uplifting case for understanding and valuing this stage of life. Sharing both her personal experience as well as her expertise in legislation and healthcare policy, clinical research, education, and how we can move the needle on this topic through culture, media, and thoughtfully curated product selection.


Stacy London on Styling the Life of Your Dreams
There's more to the stylist and TV star than a pretty face and a coordinated outfit. Read and learn.
Stacy London Shows Tough Love to Tacky Stylist on TLC's 'Love ...
Beginning at 9 p.m. on “Love, Lust or Run,” Stacy London meets Taquoia, a stylist whose outrageous personal style is scaring potential clients away. Taquoia ...
Stacy London Admits Past Bullying: I Was a Real Mean Girl
Stacy London is no stranger to bullying. The former What Not to Wear host, 46, opened up about her childhood struggles with psoriasis – and subsequent ...
Stacy London shares tips for dressing your body type -
Not sure if your clothing is the most flattering for your body type? Stacy London is here to help!
Stacy London Returns to TLC with New Makeover Show - TLC, TV ...
When it comes to bad fashion, Stacy London isn't afraid to speak up, and she's back at it on a new show for TLC. "I'm super excited to be back," the TV host tells  ...
Stacy London Eyed to Join ‘The View’s’ Rotating Stable of Contributors
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NEW YORK, Oct. 18 (UPI) -- Famed stylist Stacy London admits she has bittersweet feelings about wrapping up her wildly popular New York-based makeover ...
New psoriasis campaign features Stacy London's style tips | Fox News
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