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Steve Lansing  

An external professor at the Santa Fe Institute, a professor of anthropology at the University of Arizona

Steve Lansing is an external professor at the Santa Fe Institute, a professor of anthropology at the University of Arizona, with a joint appointment in ecology and evolutionary biology, and a senior fellow at the Stockholm Resilience Centre. His recent research is centered around long-term dynamics of coupled social-ecological systems. One of his current projects explores emergent properties of Balinese water temple networks and he's currently assisting the Indonesian government to create a new UNESCO World Heritage site to help preserve the temple networks. Lansing is also conducting a comparative study of social structure, ecology, kinship, language change and the evolution of disease resistance in 69 villages on 14 Indonesian islands. Recent books include "Perfect Order: Recognizing Complexity in Bali," (2006) and "Priests & Programmers: Technologies of Power in the Engineered Landscape of Bali" (2007). Documentary films he's worked on include "The Goddess and the Computer" (1988), a segment of "The Sacred Balance" (2003), "Perfect Order" (2006), and "Voyagers on the Ring of Fire" (2011).

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