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Subramanian Rangan  

The Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Court Endowed Chair in Societal Progress, INSEAD, France

Subi Rangan received an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management and a Ph.D. from Harvard University. His research and teaching revolve around the strategy and management challenges facing multinational firms. In 1998, Professor Rangan won the Academy of International Business’ Eldridge Haynes Prize for the best original essay in international business. In 1995, that academy awarded their Best Dissertation Award to his doctoral thesis. In 2010 his research won the Emerald award for Top 50 papers in all management. His articles appear in such journals as Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Review, Journal of International Business Studies, Strategic Management Journal, and the Sloan Management Review. Professor Rangan is coauthor of two books: Manager in the International Economy, and A Prism on Globalization. He is working currently on the topics of global competition among and crossborder cooperation within multinational firms. He is associate editor of the Global Strategy Journal; and vice-chair of the World Economic Forum’s global agenda council on Emerging Multinationals. Professor Rangan is a member of the board of trustees of Fundacao Dom Cabral, a leading business school in Brazil; and he serves on the advisory board of Leaders’ Quest, a London-based organization catalyzing leaders’ appreciation of global interconnectedness and commitment to positive change. Professor Rangan is recipient of the Outstanding Teacher award in 2009, 2008, and 1998 (and nominee in 1999; 2002; and 2003) for his MBA course on global strategy and management.

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