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Tai Lopez        

Investor, Business Mentor, Financial Planner

Tai Lopez is an investor, partner, or advisor to over 20 multi-million dollar businesses. Through his popular book club and podcasts, he shares advice on how to achieve health, wealth, love, and happiness with 1.4 million people across 40 countries.

Over the years, Lopez sought out the secrets to the "Good Life" by setting up his life as a series of experiments. He began by first reading thousands of books from the most impactful figures in history, including Freud, Aristotle, Gandhi, Charlie Munger, Sam Walton, Descartes, Darwin, Confucius, and countless others. He spent two-and-a-half years living with the Amish, spent time working at a leper colony in India, and helped Joel Salatin pioneer grass-fed, sustainable agriculture on Polyface Farms. He then joined the long list of entrepreneur college dropouts and ended up completely broke (sleeping on his mom’s couch) until he talked five, multi-millionaire entrepreneurs into mentoring him. Lopez went on to become a Certified Financial Planner and worked in the world of finance before becoming a founder, investor, advisor, or mentor to more than 20 multi-million dollar businesses while settling in the Hollywood Hills.

He appeared on various TV and radio shows, spoke at top global universities like The London Business School and the University of Southern California, and created one of the top downloaded podcasts and YouTube channels. In order to get feedback from an even larger audience, Lopez started what is now one of the world’s largest book clubs that reaches 1.4 million people in 40 countries with his "Book-Of-The-Day" free email newsletter. He also created an alternative to the traditional business school. This "Business Mentorship" program combines the best of self-learning with the best of a University degree without all the downsides of burdensome costs and inefficient methods. He summarized his learnings from his mentors into a series of 'mentor shortcuts' he calls, "The 67 Steps."


Tai Lopez Interviews Billionaire Mark Cuban
Tai Lopez asks Mark Cuban what it takes to be a billionaire in this exclusive interview at Tai's house. Mark shares 19 lesssons to help propel yourself to success.

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